Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Replication Manager Problem

I had an RM job that suddenly stopped working with the following error
2009 10 27 13:13:03 EMCRM01 INFO:Replica 2009 10 27 13:13:03 created from application set xxxxxxxx_db_logs, job VPMPRODDBSQLCL_no_Verify by cerbadmin.
2009 10 27 13:13:03 EMCRM01 INFO:Starting RecoverPoint checkpoint of [application set:servername_db_logs / job: servername _no_Verify] at time 2009 10 27 13:13:03.
2009 10 27 13:13:03 EMCRM01 INFO:This operation can take a long time. Please be patient.
2009 10 27 13:10:53 servername 004052 WARNING:Unable to find Invista CLI path. If Invista instances are being used, install InvCLI into the default path: C:\Program Files\EMC\INVCLI\.
2009 10 27 13:10:53 servername 000600 ERROR:Storage device S:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\MSDBData.mdf could not be located on supported arrays. Please check if there are problems communicating with the storage arrays.
2009 10 27 13:10:53 servername 026051 ERROR:processGetStorageDetails - failed to write Storage Details.
2009 10 27 13:10:53 servername 026607 ERROR:An unexpected internal error occurred: rawMessage::getSessionId - null buffer
2009 10 27 13:10:53 servername 026607 ERROR:An unexpected internal error occurred: rawMessage::getRequestId - null buffer

The workaround to resolve this error is as follows.
Go into the hosts tab of Replication manager, right click on the host you are having a problem with, and select rediscover arrays. Then execute the job again and it should complete successfully now.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Rename Netapp Filer (useful for netapp to emc migration of NAS)

The following steps are useful to rename a netapp filer, in order to preserve name space when migrating from netapp to emc. Unfortunately DFS wansn't used before I started working here, so I had 4 netapp filer names hosting CIFS shares that I had to migrate to EMC Celerra. After using rainfinity to replicate the shares from netapp to EMC, I had to perform the following steps to steal the name for the netapp and reuse it on the Celerra.

  1. Connect to the filer by \\filername\c$\etc and copy the existing rc & hosts files as rc.old & hosts.old.
  2. Open up the original hosts file and search and replace for the filers name and replace with the new name
  3. Open up the original rc file, update the following hostname
  4. Update the NetBIOS name on the filer by typing "options cifs.netbios_aliases "
  5. Run the following on the filer you are renaming "CF disable" to disable the cluster, "CIFS Terminate" to terminate the cifs service.
  6. Remove the entry for the old filer name from Active Directory users and computers and from DNS
  7. Run Cifs Setup to add the filer back into Active directory and DNS with the new name
  8. Run "CF enable" to enable the cluster.
  9. Connect to the node that you failed over to and type "CF takeover" this will cause a reboot of the filer that you renamed
  10. Once the filer that you renamed is back & you will see a message saying giveback operation is now available
  11. run "cf giveback"